Nubian Berichtigungsliste

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This page collects all comments on and proposed corrections to published texts from medieval Nubia. Its organization follows the citation standards and references listed in "A Guide to the Texts of Medieval Nubia." All entries should include a citation for the source of the comment or correction. As usual, all users of this site are urged to add comments or corrections as they find them. Contributors are welcome to add their own unpublished comments or corrections, but are encouraged to identify themselves and elaborate on their remarks in greater detail.

Ruffini 2010 (Nubian Ostraka from the West Bank Survey)

Adam Lajtar in personal communication with the author makes the following observations:

The month date of these texts: Thoth is the month of the highest Nile flood. Practically, the entire Nile valley must have been inundated at that period of the year, including the rocks of the cataract. Seen in this light, the ostraka may testify to the shipment of goods from one side of the cataract to another (from the north to the south?).

The name Rhobia: The context requires a genitive form. If the name is not undeclined, then its nominative should probably be reconstructed as Rhobias. This looks neither Greek nor Nubian but rather Semitic. Perhaps it is an unattested form of known Hebrew name like Rahab.

The name Arousea: The name Arouase appears in unpublished texts from Banganarti.