Yusuf the Egyptian

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[pp. 450-451]


(about 1316 A.D.)

An Egyptian Melkite author of Notitiae on the Greek Patriarchate of Alexandria. He depends on Eutychius.

Ed.: G. Beveridge, Synodicon 2, Oxford 1672, 148 note; H. Gelzer, Byz. Zs. 2, 1893, 36 s.

Exc.: MC 1150 v.

T.: MC 1150 v (Gelzer and Beveridge) A: 1 and 4

In the Name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Notice (ma’rifa) of the Metropolitan Seats (karāsī nawarīyya) under the Patriarch of the City of Alexandria, and their order of precedence (tartīb), which we found in a document written by the Father and Patriarch Eutychius (Aftīshiyūs), who is Sa'īd Ibn Batriq.

"It has been decreed that each Metropolitan or Bishop should know his degree in order of precedence, lest anyone step into another's place or a quarrel develop. Once everyone knows his own degree, he should feel quiet about it.

I. - The first is the Archbishop (arshī abiskubus) of Mareotis and its region (kūra).

II. - The second is the Metropolitan (muṭrān) of Barqa and the Western Five Cities (al-khamsa mudun al-gharbiyya).

III. - The third is the Archbishop (arshī abiskubus) of Miṣr and its districts (a'māl), villages and hamlets (rustāq) till the southern border of the Thebaid.

IV. - The fourth is the Metropolitan (muṭrān) of as-Sind and al-Hind and their dependencies (sā'ir a'māli-ha).

[p. 451]

V. - The fifth is the Metropolitan of al-Ḥabasha and all its dependencies (sā'ir a‘māli-ha).

VI. - The sixth is the Bishop (usquf) of al-Marīs<ref>Beveridge’s comment: “The bishop (usquf) of al-Marīs ranks sixth in the notice. Here we are totally in the dark as we have never come across a word like this (al-Marīs) indicating any region or town. Let others look into this matter. On one thing, however, do I draw your attention; although it is stated that this place (al-Marīs) had only a bishop it is clear he was an Archbiship, since dependences are here attributed to him (eum tamen metropolitanum fuisse ex eo patet quod a’māl, “ditiones”, ei hum attribuantur). [Op. cit. 2, p. 150].</ref> and its other dependencies (sā'ir a'māli-ha).

VII. - The seventh is the Metropolitan of Nubia<ref>“Next comes the Metropolitan of Nubia. This is a vast region on the West bank of the Nile. Its main towns are Nuwāla [sic! For Nuwāba], Kusha, Ghulwa, Dunqāla [sic!], Yalaq. This province was Jacobite and its bishops were ordained by the Jacobite Patriarch, according to Eutychius’ statement: ‘Then the Patriarch of the Jacobites (batriarq al-ya’qūbiyya) ordained bishops for them so that Nubia became Jacobite since that time.’ (Eytychius, Ann. T. 2, p. 386). Eutychius’ statement is also quoted by Elmacinus (al-Makīn, Hist.Sar.Lib. I, c. 17). From all this, one can gather than Nubia was restored to the (jurisdiction of) the Orthodox [i.e. Greek] Patriarch of Alexandria (Nubiam orthodoxo Patriachae Alexandriae restitutam fuisse) some 200 years before Patriarch Eutychius, and, consequently, also before the aforementioned Notice was issued, whereby the seat of al-Faramā (Pelusium) comes next to the seat of Nubia”. (Beveridge, ibid., p. 150).</ref> (muṭrān an-nūba) and all its dependencies (sā'ir a’māli-ha).

VIII. - The eighth is the Metropolitan of al-Faramā (Pelusium) etc." (MC 1150 v).
