SoSOL Dev Notes

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Nubian SoSOL Deployment Notes (Giovanni Ruffini)

Fairfield has created a virtual machine to which I have access; this list describes my attempt to follow the SoSOL deployment steps on that virtual machine. To make all of this happen, at the start of each session go to the Fairfield VPN link using Internet Explorer (not Chrome), log in and then hit the 'Start' button on the 'Network Connect' link. Then you can telnet to vml000031.univ.fairfield.local and log in. Per Jay Rozgonyi, 'We'll just be using the /var/www/html directory to publish to the server URL.'(GR)

To work with full read/write access in the Fairfield VPN:

1) sudo -s

Installing jruby and SoSOL:

Per suggestion from Hugh Cayless:

0) Enable jruby.

Edited my home directory's .bash_profile to include /var/www/html/jruby-1.6.3/bin so that the jruby commands are executable from anywhere.

1) start jruby.

jruby -v succeeds.

2) Enable Janrain.

Hugh Cayless suggested I add my domain to the Janrain domain whitelist. Accordingly, I have added vml000031.univ.fairfield.local and saved it to the Janrain whitelist.

My RPX (now Janrain) installation is doubtful. I have added the following lines at the end of the three files:


RPX_API_KEY = 'ea6ed7c1ffcbfcf2bb677b21a507ec49c91121c1'

RPX_REALM = 'dogkedephpbbllibgphc'


My Janrain User Management page shows this information:

Application Domain

App ID


API Key (Secret)


I have used what Janrain calls the application domain for the RPX_REALM, but I am not sure this is right. I have put the RPX information at the end of the three relevant files, but I am not sure this is right. These files are in the SoSOL directories, not the jruby directories. (GR)

3) bin/jruby -S gem install capistrano

Note that running this usually installs 1 gem, but sometimes running it has installed 6 gems. Why? (GR)

4) bin/cap local externals:setup

This step does not work because the hash bang in the cap file generates an error and will not execute. If I alter the hash bang to read bin/jruby instead of jruby, the script appears to execute, but generates considerable output beginning with LoadError: OpenSSL::BN requires the jruby-openssl gem. This error directs me to the URL, where (if I understand it correctly) I learn that I can add require 'jruby/openssl/gem_only' to my program to circumvent this problem. (GR)

5) bin/jruby -S rake db:migrate

This step will not run at all, generating a No Rakefile found error. There is a Rakefile in the SoSOL file hierarchy, and one in the jruby gems directory. What to do here? The same set of errors blocks steps 6 and 7 below. (GR)

6) jruby -S rake git:db:canonical:clone

7) jruby -S rake

8) jruby script/server

As with step #5 above, this step implies that the SoSOL files should be in the jruby file hierarchy. But it will run if supplied with an alternate path to the file. However, it generates the following SyntaxError: 438: odd number list for Hash.RPX_REALM = 'NuSSL' (GR)

What follows is from the SoSOL Development Wiki.

Deployment Requirements

JRuby Deployment


  • Java SE 6 (1.6+)
  • JRuby (1.3.1+) tested on 1.3.1 and 1.4.0
  • Git (

Initial setup steps for development

copy in/create config/environments/*_secret.rb (where * is development, test, production - sets RPX_API_KEY and RPX_REALM, can get these by creating an RPX account)

RPX_API_KEY = '0b13c31190219061...'
  • jruby -S gem install capistrano (may not work in JRuby)
  • cap local externals:setup (pulls in xsugar, EpiDoc XSLT)
  • jruby -S rake db:migrate
  • clone canonical.git (jruby -S rake git:db:canonical:clone)
  • jruby -S rake (run tests, sanity check)
  • jruby script/server

This command only makes sense if the SoSOL file hierarchy is inside the jruby file hierarchy. (GR)

WAR-based deployment

  • use warbler to bundle as a standard .war (includes JRuby, gems, etc.) to upload to an app server
  • initialize/migrate your production DB using "RAILS_ENV=production jruby -S rake db:migrate" (change production line in config/database.yml for your setup)
  • may want to add "config.logger =" to config/environment.rb to get Rails logging out to servlet container
  • run "cap local externals:setup" to fetch externals
  • use "jruby -S warble war" to build the war
  • need to change REPOSITORY_ROOT in config/environment.rb to an absolute shared path, because packing up the 500MB+ canonical repo in the war will grind things to a halt
  • war unpacking isn't guaranteed (and multiple deploys would overwrite changes to the unpacked dir structure anyway) so it seems like alternate config will be needed
  • need a persistent directory for git (overwrite REPOSITORY_ROOT and CANONICAL_REPOSITORY in production)
  • DB migrations seem impossible to run from the deployed war context, so you'll have to run them pre-deploy using the production environment on some checkout of the code (meaning it will also need access to your production DB server credentials)
  • not sure on logs, sessions (may need extra config for new vers of Rails), rollback (probably impossible to get easily in a war context due to also needing to reverse migrations)

Directory-based deployment

  • deploy an unpacked directory and run within JRuby using any variety of servers (e.g. jetty-rails, glassfish - N.B. glassfish gem must have all required jars invoked inside JRuby on the classpath e.g. lib/java/saxon9he.jar) which can be accessed directly or proxied

Repository Setup

Canonical Repository (from Git)

  • Initialize with:
  • git clone --bare git:// CANONICAL_REPOSITORY
  • where CANONICAL_REPOSITORY is the path defined in config/environment.rb, defaulting to REPOSITORY_ROOT/canonical.git. For WAR-based deploy will want to change REPOSITORY_ROOT to an absolute path as noted.
  • Data now also mirrored on GitHub


  • "jruby script/console production" should give you a console for the production environment (keep in mind things like DB/Git access, you'll need to run this from a location that can access those resources, the source, and the correct configs for your production environment)
  • from here you can give users admin privileges by e.g.:
  • me = User.find_by_name('rfbaumann')
  • me.admin = true
  • can completely reset the database with "jruby -S rake RAILS_ENV=production db:reset"
  • note that this won't run AR callbacks, so you need to clear user/board git repos:
  • if you plan on keeping canonical (aka repo 3) i.e. not deleting it and recloning from the Git SVN copy, you need to first ensure that it has all finalized objects and remove the user repos you'll delete from its alternates file:
  • cd REPOSITORY_ROOT/canonical.git && git repack && echo "" > objects/info/alternates
  • can check integrity afterwards with "git fsck"
  • rm -rf REPOSITORY_ROOT/boards/*.git REPOSITORY_ROOT/users/*.git
  • can also delete every model instance from the console with e.g. User.find(:all).each{|u| u.destroy} but this can be tedious if there are loose instances of other models that aren't dependent-destroyed