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== Nubian Names


By Giovanni R. Ruffini

First Draft Uploaded August 12, 2010 Latest Revision on August 28, 2010

Introduction This list is organized first by name, with an indication of how many attestations of that name are known, and then by location of the find-spot for the texts attesting that name. When a single site produces multiple attestations of a single name, it is not always possible to tell if a single person is at stake. In such cases, uncertainty in the total number of attestations of a single name is indicated by the presence of an asterisk (*). In the case of Qasr Ibrim, such totals are advanced – with hesitation – based on an unpublished prosopography (in Ruffini forthcoming) of the documents in P.QI 3. In other cases where there is uncertainty as to the total number of individuals attested, particularly Faras and Old Dongola, entries herein do no more than give a total of “1*” to indicate that more than one individual is likely at stake, but certainty is impossible.

Method of Citation This list follows the standards for citation proposed in A Checklist of Texts from Medieval Nubia. Publications not yet in that checklist are indicated by reference to the bibliography found at the end of the text. The find-spots are indicated following the abbreviations included the appendix below. Citations of texts from Qasr Ibrim (QI) by number alone refer to P.QI 2 and 3.
