Maqrizi's al-Bayan

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From "Al-Bayan" (A Description of the Arab tribes in Egypt)

In Upper Egypt there were the Awlad Kanz. They are descended from Rabi'a b. Mizar b. Ma'ad b. 'Adnan. They formerly dwelt in al-Yamama and later came to Egypt during the caliphate of al-Mutawakkil, about the year 241 H. (855 A.D.). (94) They were very numerous and spread over several districts. A section of their tribe settled in the remotest part of Upper Egypt, living in tents of hair amidst the deserts and the wadis of the South.

At that time, the Beja used to raid the villages of the eastern bank bringing about destruction. The Rabi'a rose to stop the Beja from raiding the country and succeeded. Later on, they intermarried with the Beja and settled near the gold mine of al-’Allaqi. They became rich and powerful and had possessions in the Beja land. They built a village of their own called an—Namamis and dug wells in it. For some time, Ishaq b. Bishr was their chief. Afterward, some of his subjects rebelled against him.

’Aydhab belonged to the Bani Yunus b. Rabi'a, who occupied it since their arrival from al-Yamama. Fights broke out between the Bani Bishr and the Bani Yunus, un-til the latter, were defeated and retired to the Hejaz. Later on, discords developed among the Bani Bishr and Ishaq was killed. They brought from Bilbeis shaykh Abu 'Abdalla Muhammad... known as Abu Yazid b. Ishaq b. Ibrahim b. Masruq, who was a cousin to the late Ishaq b. Bishr. ...

The genealogy of Kanz ad—Dawla, the ruler (hami) of Aswan, goes back to this Masruq. He (Kanz) settled at Aswan and founded his domain known as "saqiya Sha'ban". Kanz ad-Dawla never ceased being the chieftain of the Rabi’a until he died. After him, his son Abu—l-Makarim Hibatalla became their chieftain... He was known as "al-Ahwaj" (the Courageous). It was he who vanquished Abu Rakwa, the rebel against al—Hakim and arrested him. The Caliph al-Hakim bestowed great honours on him and gave him the title of "Kanz ad-Dawla". He was the first who bore this title. His successors kept the emirate within their family and all of them are called "Kanz ad-Dawla" until the last Kanz ad—Dawla who was killed by al-’Adil Abu Bakr b. Ayyub, on 7th Safar 570 H. (2 August 1174 A.D.). This Kanz, having rebelled against the Sultan Saladin Yusuf b. Ayyub, marched against him, murdered the brother of Abu—l—Hayja as-samin and recognized Dawud b. al-'Adid (as Caliph). Eventually, he was killed in the town of Tud after many battles. (Mus'ad, pp. 321 — 323).