John of Würburg

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John of Würzburg

(c. 1170)

German pilgrim.

Description of the Holy Land.



Sicsic describendo venerabilia loca in sancta civitate Iherusalem, incipiendo ab aecclesia Sancta Sepulchri, circumeundo per Portam David usque ad eandem reversi sumus, plures omittendo capellas et inferiors aecclesias, quas habent ibi diversarum nationum et linguarum homines. Sunt namque ibi Greci, Latini, Alemanni, Ungari, Scoti, Navarri, Britanni, Anglici, Rutheni, Boemi, Gorgiani, Armeni, Suriani, Iacobitae, Syri, Nestoriani, Indi, Egiptii, Cepthi, Capheturici, Maroni et alii quam plures, quos longum esset enumerare, sed in his finem huius opusculi faciemus. Amen.

(Chapter XXVII

Thus, I have finished describing the Holy Places in the sacred City of Jerusalem. I started with the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and then I went round through the Gate of David, and returned to it again. I have omitted many of the chapels and churches of minor interest which are maintained there by men of various nations and languages. For there are Greeks, Bulgarians, Latins, Germans, Hungarians, Scots, Navarrese, Bretons, English, Franks, Ruthenians, Bohemians, Georgians, Armenians, Jacobites, Syrians, Nestorians, Indians, Egyptians, Copts, Capheturici, Maronites, and many others, whom it would take long to list: with these let us make an end of our book. Amen.)

Selected editions

Description of the Holy Land by John of Würzburg (A.D. 1160-1170), trans. A. Stewart (London: 1890).

Peregrinationes Tres: Saewulf, John of Würzburg, Theodoricus, ed. R. B. C. Huygens (Turnhout: 1994).