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Al-Maktaba (t) = Muh. Mustafa Mus'ad, Al-Maktabat as-sudaniyya al-arabiyya, Publ. of the Cairo University Branch of Khartoum 4 (Cairo 1972)

Ar.Ist. = Arabskiye istochniki 1-2 (Arabic Sources on Ethnography and History of Africa South of Sahara, VIIth- XIIth centuries), ed. E. Kybbeli - V.V. Matveev (Moscow 1960 - 1965)

Baumstark = A. Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur (Bonn 1922)

BEO = Bulletin d'Etudes Orientales (Institut Française de Damas 1931ss)

BGA = Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum 1-8 (Leiden 1872 - 1893)

Brockelmann cf. GAL

CSCO = Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium (Leiden)

EB = Encyclopedia Britannica (Chicago- London-Toronto 1962ss)

EI = The Encyclopedia of Islam (Leiden 1960ss)

GAL = C. Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Literatur 1-2 (Leiden 1939-1949)

S = Supplement to GAL, 3 vols (Leiden 1937-1942)

Graf = G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur 1-5, Studi e Testi (Roma 1944-1953)

Hamaker = Incerti Auctoris liber de expuqnatione Alexandriae et Memphidis vulgo al-Wakidaeo adscriptus (Leiden 1725)

HO = Handbuch der Orientalistik, ed. B. Spuler (Leiden 1948ss)

Krumbacher = K. Krumbacher, Geschichte der byzantini-Literatur, Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft 9 (München 1897; Repr. New York 1958)

LThK = Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche (Freiburg 1957ss)

MC = Monumenta Cartographica Africae et Aeogypti, ed. Yousouf Kamal

vol. II (Ptolémée et epoque Gréco-Romaine) fasc. 3 (1932), fols. 362-474

vol. III (Epoque Arabe) fasc. 1-5 (1930-1935), fols. 482-1066

vol. IV (Portulans) fasc. 1-4 (1936-1939), fols. 1073-1483

Monneret, Storia = U. Monneret de Villard, Storia della Nubia Cristiana, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 118 (Roma 1938)

Mus'ad cf. Al-Maktaba

Notices Ext. = Notices et Extraits des Manuscripts de la Bibliotheque du Roi (Later: Nationale) (Paris 1787ss)

PG = Migne, Patrologia, series graeca

PO = Patrologia orientalis, ed. Graffin-Nau (Paris)

Quatremère, Mem. = E. M. Quatremère, Mémoires geographiques et historiques sur l'Egypte 1-2 (Paris 1811)

Rend.Acc.Naz.Line. = Rendiconti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, Classe V (Roma 1929)

Rosenthal = F. Rosenthal, A History of Muslim Historiography (Leiden 1952)

Conti Rossini, Storia d’Et. = Conti Rossini, Storia d’Etiopia 1 (Bergamo 1928)

RSE = Rassegna di Studi Etiopici (Roma 1941ss)

RSO = Rivista degli Studi Orientali (Roma 1907ss)

S = cf. GAL

Sezgin = Fuat Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums (Leiden 1967ss)

Speyer = W. Speyer, Die literarischen Fälschungen im heidnischen und christlichen Altertum, Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaften I 2 (München 1971)

Storia N.C. = cf. Monneret, Storia

Key to the signatures indicating original languages and translations at the end of the bio-bibliographical notes:

Languages of the Sources:

A = Arabic

C = Coptic

E = Ethiopic

G = Greek

H = Hebrew

I = Italian

L = Latin

P = Persian

S = Syriac

Languages of intermediary translations:

1 = French

2 = Italian

3 = Latin

0 = direct translation from the original source